You travel frequently? Great. Join your airline’s frequent flyer program to be rewarded for your loyalty. You don’t travel frequently? Not to worry. You can still join your airline’s frequent flyer program. Yes, don’t be misled by the name. You can join a loyalty program and benefit from frequent flyer airline miles regardless of how many times you travel. Why is joining a frequent flyer program encouraged? The answer is obvious. There are many perks and benefits of being a member. This article lists the top 5 perks.

  1. Discounted or free air tickets

Of course it goes without saying that this is not an easy task. But it can happen if you make an effort. Frequent flyer airline miles are most commonly redeemed on air tickets as they are one of the biggest expenses for any traveler. With time and strategy, you can also bag free domestic air tickets with your miles. But if you are new to this, then you have a long way to go before you manage free tickets with the help of miles. Mile redemption policies vary airline to airline. Some programs base the miles on the cost of ticket whereas some on the distance traveled. The more miles you are able to gather, the better the discount on your next air ticket!

  1. Discounted accommodation

One of my personal favorite perks of frequent flyer airline miles is that they can be used to bag discounts on many great hotels around the world that are in partnership with your airline’s frequent flyer program. We can all agree that hotels can be quite pricey and saving some money on them is a big achievement for any traveler.

  1. Cheap Rental cars

Moving around within a foreign country is not very easy. Opting for local transport means you should be clear about the routes and know at least the basics of the local language. A rented car, however works wonders for a traveler. It is one of the most convenient options to get around. It is an expensive option though. This is where the frequent flyer airline miles come in handy. Partner car rental companies offer good discounts in exchange of miles.

  1. Shopping at discounted prices

This is a relatively new concept introduced by airlines. Through this program, you can shop at partner brands and online shopping portals at discounted rates. You get a discount on your total bill with the accumulated airline miles.

  1. Treating your friends or family to dinner

Through an airline’s dining program, you get to bag a good discount on your restaurant bill. Of course this is only applicable on partner restaurants. The amount of discount depends on the number of miles you redeem.

Joining the frequent flyer program is never a bad idea. The above perks are reason enough to be part of one. So what are you waiting for? Become a member now to avail all these perks.